
    首先要感谢蚊子同学提供选课开放的信息,并帮我以光速般的速度选了课。这是最诚挚的感谢!然后,我要感谢青苹果软件公司,如果不是他们的系统开发成这种样子,我们也不会有如此惊险的奇幻旅程。最后,我要感谢教务处,这次选课其曲折之多,足可写成一本小说了,全拜教务处所赐。最最后,我要感谢CCTV,感谢 TVB,感谢CNN。感谢所有在我后面的选课同学。感谢奥巴马,感谢他的"是的,我们能"。


    First of all,I would like to thank Little Mos to have provided me the information of the reopening of elective course,and to help me take the elective course in a speed of light.This is the most sincere thankfulness.And then,I should thank the Kingosoft Company.Without their software system like this,we wouldn't have such a breathtaking magic journey.At last,I will thank the teaching affairs office.They let us have so much twisty experience,we cannot live through without thanking them.At the last of the last,I want to thank CCTV,thank TVB,thank CNN.Thank all the students who took the elective course after me.Thank Obama,and his "Yes,we can".


  1. 蚊子 says:

    不用谢撒~大家是好朋友哦~上次你也帮我选啦课咧 霍霍,互帮互助咯!


    it is so nice of you to say so,cause you are a guy with a gratitude heart.It is true that i felt guilty for such a long time and kept blaming myself that i should have taken action more quickly .but later when i found most of us fail to select the elective course either,i am much more released.After all,helping my friends is such a pleasant thing even sometimes it is a little tough.but that is what a friendship means,to care about others and feel warm when the next time they offer a hand to ouselves.
    i would express my thankfulness for your trust to tell me where you block i is,which lead us a further exchange of ideas.and i appreciate your literary talent~ha,time to say goodbye

    1. creke says:

      Thank you for your reply and praise.Ha ha.
      And remenber to come over here often ^_^
      PS:Never say goodbye.I don't like the word,whether just for a sleep or something.Same as you ,right?

  2. 匿名 says:

    i did not mean that,ha,just wanna go for a sleep.dont take it seriously.
    But it somewhat arouse my sadness.Can i or will i always remain the same?things change and people will change.i doubt it.
    never mind, our friendship will always stay there right for us. so,good night~

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